Falling In Love

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Falling in Love


Love is a framework of emotions that can be described as hunger of a human being. Many people fall in love because of specific reasons. This paper identifies the reasons that convince or motivate an individual to love someone not others. The paper finds out that there not just psychological reasons behind the initiation of love relationship, but biological factors are also associated with the science of love.

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Kristal's Theory of Love Chemistry5

Sternberg Theory of Love6



Falling in Love


Every human being is a social animal; thus, needs people whom he/she can trust in difficult times and share his/her joy and sorrow. He/she also seeks attachment with people who can understand him/her and when this attachment grows deeper it is called love (Fehr, 1991). The magical point relating to this relationship is why people fall in love with someone not others. In order to find the answer it is important to understand what 'Love' itself is.

Love is a spontaneous emotional movement to be one that gives people the satisfaction which is important for anyone. This emotional appeal may apply to a person, object or even an idea. One can even feel love when there is still the hope of a satisfaction, a potential for happiness. Love is not an emotion in itself; it is a complex emotional experience that includes many emotions. This is perhaps the most complex of all the emotional experiences (Fisher, 2004). There are often, for example, the joy, the attraction or desire, affection, esteem, attachment, etc. The experience of love also includes many cases of anger or resentment and a sense of vulnerability. What remains constant however, in the different experiences of love, its well-being or happiness gives people the beloved matter. Specifically, people consider "good for us" beings and realities that are worthy of the love. It is also important to know that this is because they perceive them, more or less explicitly, as capable of meeting the needs (Fisher, 2004). It states they already meet or are carrying a promise of satisfaction which remains subjectively a source of happiness. In fact, everyone has a preset criteria or checklist of the attributes he or she looks for in their partner in a love relationship.


It is a fact that Love is an indicator of need. It may reveal the presence of critical needs; other times are less urgent needs as aspirations. Person also reveals that he believes what is right or wrong to find the needs for anyone. This is the case for many people, whether the love is for a potential or actual satisfaction. The need to be recognized as a sexual being and the need for physical contact of the youth are strong and very invasive. It is ready to plump for the first stranger who, at first glance, has characteristics that suggest it could meet those needs. It is beautiful so attractive, so very capable of having an influence on the person, so sure of himself that can be positive and ...
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