Fall Of Constantinople

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Fall of Constantinople


To my considering, the lone most significant happening of the Age of Grace was the Fall of Constantinople in AD 1453. The Greek or Eastern Church had a great controversy with the Roman Catholic Church, and this controversy continues to this hour as Orthodox clerics on the Island of Athos, and all over the Orthodox community, rejecting the Roman Pontiff. They still glimpse the Roman Whore as an impostor. How did this transpire?


In the early days of the Church, right after the Apostles past away, there evolved two schools of doctrine in the Christian world.

School one was based in Alexandria, Egypt. It was based on the Gnostic pagan philosophy of Greece with a bit of Jesus Christ tossed in. This was championed by Origin who despised the power of the Gospel as presented in the Word of God. Origin and the new pontiff of the Roman Whore, Constantine, made 50 exact replicates of a Gnostic Bible which trashed the Lord Jesus Christ and His exclusive Gospel. This cult of Alexandria is still with us today in the pagan types and rituals of the Roman Catholic Whore Church, in specific, the Mass and the supposed Bible of Rome.

School two of the early Christian world of the mail apostolic era was based first in Antioch, and then it proceeds to Byzantium, which became Constantinople under Constantine's reign, and Istanbul of today. The bishops of Constantinople rejected Origin and the Alexandrian cult. They retained a pure and unconditional confidence in the Antioch and "eastern" texts of the Bible which exalted the Deity of Jesus Christ, and they made exact replicates of the "eastern" texts and preserved them.

In AD 1453 the Muslim hordes shifted north contrary to Constantinople. The Greek monks and bishops really chose to depart numerous of their individual possessions in alignment to rescue the scrolls of the Bible in their holding, and they strolled north to Europe bearing those scrolls. Those monks were not about to hand their manuscripts to the vintage Roman Whore they hated. God bless them, they took the scrolls to the universities of Europe.

Now, what additional was occurrence in about AD 1453? Answer: Martin Luther, Erasmus, John Calvin, and Zwingli were trashing vintage Mother Whore in Germany and Europe. Praise God, those Orthodox monks came to the Reformed groups just at the precise time when the manuscripts could be received by true saints, ...
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