Faith Interview

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Faith Interview

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Table of Contents


What does Islam means to you?3

What do Muslims believe in?3

How do you practice Islam?4

How does an individual becomes or convert into Islam?4

Why does Islam seem strange at times?5

What is the Quran about and what does it say?5

Islam and Jihad?5



Faith Interview


The interview that I will be conducting is from an Islamic scholar at a mosque close to our vicinity. The reason I chose to interview an Islamic scholar is due to the fact that there have been so much propaganda and news about Islam and Muslims on our media over the last couple of decades. This enticed me to know more about the religion and learn about the beliefs of Islam and Muslims in totality. It is my belief that no religion gives the message of conducting a wrongful act, every religion in the world wants its followers to do righteous deed. However, Islam has received so much negativity since the September 11, attacks that it intrigued me to find out more about this religion and their way of life.

What does Islam means to you?

Islam for me is the submission of my will to Allah and his commandments that he passed on to mankind through Prophet Muhammad. By submitting our will to Allah the Almighty, I try or in fact the Muslims around the world try to find inner peace. It is our firm belief that everything that takes place in this universe happens with Allah's will and by submitting my will to Allah, I forget all my worries and troubles of this mundane life. This is what Allah wants us to do and this is what all Muslims should try to do.

What do Muslims believe in?

Muslims believe in the true oneness of God; they believe in the Angels created by God; they believe in all the prophets through whom the God's Divine law and teachings were sent down to human beings; They believe in the Day of Judgement and resurrection of the mankind at the day of Judgement; they believe in The God's complete authority and in life after death. Muslims believe in a cycle of prophets beginning with Adam and such as Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Aaron, Mark, Solomon, Jesus, Jonah, and Muhammad, peace be upon them. However, what makes them different from other Abrahamic religions is the fact that they believe in Muhammad as the last messenger or Prophet sent ...
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