Faith And Reason

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Faith and Reason

Faith and Reason

Plausibility of Faith

The man who is often seen in a paradoxical dual in the light of faith is only seen by the bias of the soul, and prays for the body bias. Within this picture - a dual - is also the man in the epistemological paradigm, i.e., sometimes it clears by empiricism, in which the primacy is on the object, or is constituted by rationalism, with the time sovereignty of the subject. In summary, we can say that man is substantial unity or is separately seen?

Such issues listed above, preceded the thought of Pascal and helped in the formulation of his anthropological thought. The item assumes duality within his thought the main way to arrive at an understanding of what the man and it is his responsibility after discovering their ontological status.

A close relationship with Christian thought, Pascal will see the man, too, in a dual form. He - the man - is among the greatness and misery of his being, which Pascal called contradiction. Because of original sin, fallen man has no ontological fullness, because this happens in communion with God. Due to disobedience - because of original sin - the man away from God. The self-sufficiency of Being takes place is you. The man cannot understand is, therefore departs from the creator, the result being the loss of the absolute paradigm of your self-knowing. Losing this communion with God, man becomes incapable of deciding for yourself as well, ie, to act justly.

Pascal on Faith

Herein consist will be that man is not only unfair, for your thoughts and actions; injustice, made ??constitutive appears as what conditions its very nature as corrupted. So here we come to the central point of our reflection: the estrangement of man from God, it will only recognize their status as 'greatness' (apparent), leaving aside the recognition of their misery. For when absolutisms reason, we become awkward to realize our misery and this prevents us from thinking something is beyond us. It is this movement that the reason decays, because it will be self-reflective, only him. Precisely, this is what Pascal is trying to rescue in his work Pensées or Apology of the Christian Religion, i.e. to show the path of a sound reason based on the parameters of the faith and the Christian religion. For this, Pascal defined the role of reason:

The last attempt of reason ...
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