Fair Work Act (2009)

Read Complete Research Material


Mohammed Anwaruddin


HRMT 20007

Human Resource Management

Assignment 1

Due Thursday Week 6

Lecturer: Melissa Sullivan

Fair Work Act (2009)

Executive Summary

This is a report in which aims to provide the guidance for the FirstFirst canning company which is going to establish the new canning factory in Queensland. There are a lot of evident facts which helps and support to address the challenges and also gives some appropriate recommendations to the FreshFirsh canning company. There are also main aspects discussed in this report which are legislation, Recruitment and selection, and high performance work systems.

There are appropriate legislations required in order to establish the new factory in the Queensland. Besides this, the recruitment and selection process is also very much important because it is very much important to maintain the same standard of labor force which is operating in their three other companies. Along with this the development and maintenance of high performance work systems is also required which is very much essential for the FreshFirst canning factory in Queensland.


This report has been written to provide guidance to FreshFirst Canning in establishing a Greenfield site in Queensland. There are many challenges which are addressed in this report and also give some sort of recommendations to deal with these challenges. The FreshFirst Canning Company is establishing in the Queensland is expecting to face some challenges which are very much necessary to address. The major challenge for the FreshFirst canning factory in Queensland is to compete with the existing local factories which are already supplying the product in the local markets. The company needs to innovate their product in order to make difference in the local product and the product of FreshFirst canning factory. Another challenge for the FreshFirst canning factory in the Queensland is to manage the same organizational environment in the new factory which is in three other factories of the FreshFirst Company.

There are also main aspects discussed in this report which are legislation, Recruitment and selection, and high performance work systems. There are appropriate legislations required in order to establish the new factory in the Queensland. Besides this, the recruitment and selection process is also very much important because it is very much important to maintain the same standard of labor force which is operating in their three other companies. Along with this the development and maintenance of high performance work systems is also required which is very much essential for the FreshFirst canning factory in Queensland.


This report analyses the case of FreshFirst Canning and presents recommendation for starting the new factory of the FirstFirst canning company. This report aims to answer the challenges for the company to enunciate the new factory at Queensland. Along with addressing the challenges this report also gives appropriate recommendations.

FreshFirst Canning

There is an opening of FreshFirt canning factory in Queensland. The company of FreshFirst Canning has three other factories which are located in Victoria and New South Wales. There is a traditional management control in all the other three factories of this company and expecting the ...
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