Fair Employment And Social Protection

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Fair Employment and Social Protection

Fair Employment and Social Protection

1. Children Working in Hazardous Conditions

Due to basic biology of children hazardous job cannot be tolerable. Children are different biologically and psychologically from adults. Therefore, hazardous work is unjustifiable for young children. According to a study, in India about 60 million of children labor comprises around twenty five per cent of employed children of the world. Child labor is defined as jobs for children expected to cause harm physically, psychologically, ethically, or through hindering availability of education. Article 23 and 24 of Indian law states children below 14 years of age should not work in industry, mines, or in some hazardous conditions (Aparajita Biswal, 2011). Hazardous work is identified as the worst face of child labor which needs urgent and widespread steps to be taken (Preamble to Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999). WHO, UNICEF and UNEP have identified the vulnerability of young children to hazardous work.

Childhood is the biological and psychological developmental stage. Also, children's reproductive system and neurological development are specifically vulnerable to hazards interfering in the growing stage. Hence, exposure to pesticides, toxic material, harmful chemicals, and allergens is dangerous. Children without informed consent and prior to any experience may have a wish to do well. Mostly children put greater efforts without knowing the risks and may acquire hazardous acts or habit by means of adults. Additionally children may not be well trained to perform the task, may lack position, and may not ask for his rights, pretend to understand the instructions, in order to show proficiency. Hazardous job is a very crucial issue around the globe, in the light of the fact that psychological harm is gradual and slow and has long lasting effects. Due to these hazardous exposures children become more vulnerable to many biological, developmental and psychological stressors. Due to the harmful effect of hazardous work taken by children, child himself, society and ultimately whole nation suffers.

2. Old Age Income Protection

Around the globe, economic security, health related concerns and inability and survival situations of older people need effective policies. The scenario differs significantly among continents, countries and local states. In developed countries, policies from public and private sectors and health organizations contribute to support old people. People ageing increase has expanded population of older people due to which the systems is becoming more edgier. On the other hand, in developing countries, supporting ...