Faculty Attitudes Toward Online Education In Uae

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Faculty attitudes toward online education in UAE


Overview of the Issues4

Statement of the Problem5

Theoretical Framework5

Purpose of the Study5

Significance of the Study5

Research Questions5

Limitations of the Study6

Delimitations of the Study6

Definition of Terms6




The main idea of this research is to provide a synopsis about the research topic. It covers the principle reason and purpose behind the conduct of the research. It includes the statement of the problem, which provides the further background, significance and purpose of the study. The objective of this chapter is to develop the basic understanding about the reason for conducting this research. The subject of education has received a wide array of consideration on the grounds of research. Various methodologies and findings can be drawn from the different aspects of educational research. The basic and applied research on education presents different aspects of research. Teaching methods, training programs, student learning and classroom dynamics are core topics in the field of education. Online education is a new paradigm in the historical context of education. The principal authority must develop the understanding of gathering primary data on the research topic. It is necessary to consider and implement all the variables for the execution of qualitative research.

Qualitative research is critical, multidimensional, credible and in interpretive in its approach. The subject of online education deals with its effective framework and successful implementation. The principal may have an understanding that the development of innovative delivery system in the university is functional (Loogma & Umarik, 2012). The area of online education is the new dimension in the context of educational research. The principal needs to understand the context of doing research to infer the research topic. The research topic deals in the three major areas. Online education, attitude of faculty and implementation in the United Arad Emirates are three provisions to study. This chapter summarizes the need and significance of the research. It also addresses critical analysis for the scope of the research and its reliability.

The principal will apply the qualitative method for doing research. This area will be covered in the further chapters. Education has a broad and normative approach towards research. It has different perspectives, critique and fundamentals for the purpose of understanding. Research is the function of time, place and audience. The trends and styles of faculty teaching model are necessary to understand. It varies within the cultures across the countries. The principal, psychology and philosophy of understanding the education system in UAE are necessary. There is an extensive debate on the implementation of online learning in the presence of traditional classroom. The normative outcomes of research include the changing attitude of faculties in the United Arab Emirates. The principle need to analyze the second data very critically. The prime purpose of the research is to deduce the literature of the online education in the developing countries. This detail summary on the research topic provides the justification of the understanding and analysis about the online education in the ...