Factors Influencing Overseas Students In Selecting Thames Valley University

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Factors Influencing Overseas Students in Selecting Thames Valley University


Factors Influencing Overseas Students in Selecting Thames Valley University

Thames Valley University, the most like the new university, international students are actively seeking to increase the number of new recruits in their programs, and once students learn with us to maximize retention. That this is an important factor affecting the views of international students on British higher education institutions of their arguments is that they become accustomed to the relaxed system culture, both in general and specific cultural learning environment of its operation.

The pilot study of this research project conducted by the former Master of Business Administration at the TV in mainland China or the Indian subcontinent who are students. Conducted a structured interview, each in their plans to begin the students, and analysis of these interviews, and results of, forming the basis of this document.


The claim Rees and Porter (1998) said that the international students education has become an important source of income for British universities depend on the weight Thames Valley University. Like most new universities, are actively seeking to increase its number of programs to recruit foreign students. The success of this process depends on the nature and the provision of such programs, these programs have been proposed scheme for international students in the marketing area of effect factors, the number. That this is an important factor affecting international students views on their British higher education institutions is easy to get used to the system with their culture of debate, whether in culture, the general conditions and specific learning environment in which they operate.

Another important question, of course, not only for international students, but also retained. It is possible recommendations, cultural adaptation will be better to reduce their research at the university who are not successful because of the learning culture, lack of skills or lack of understanding of the number of foreign students to benefit her.

According to the study of this document is focused on the Chinese mainland students who currently attend graduate courses. The group's responses were compared with those of another, or the Indian subcontinent. These groups have been selected because they have with the UK higher education system is very different historical relationships, they constitute the international graduate students in a large proportion of TV.

Purpose of the study is to establish the special needs of international students in the nature of localization, so that these needs can be creative and innovative ways to meet the situation in the past. Not only academic and support staff development opportunities can be identified, but also for creative re-orientation design opportunities.


Just assume that UK universities offer admission system of international economic interests, it is our contention that, as students participating in the system, especially in the management of the Institute of Radio and TV programs, is a potential benefit of all participants. Baron and so on. (2001:314) believes that this is no doubt that international students through the rich cultural norms and life experiences, different communication styles and learning ...
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