Factors Affecting The Development Of Us Health-Care System

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Factors Affecting the Development of Us Health-Care System

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Factors Affecting U.S. Health-Care System Development


The health-care system has been subjected to rapid advancements in the past few years. With these advancements, there has been a marked modernization in the technology. However, there are several barriers that are responsible for affecting the development of this system. This assignment explains these obstacles in the development and their future impact on the health care system of United States of America. The assignment has also described the involvement of brand new technologies and their importance in the health care delivery.


United States is the only state that has been spending the most enormous amount of money on its health care system. Unfortunately, even after this huge expenditure and a wide number of steps taken for improvement, there are still prominent barriers present that are restricting the development of this system. Some of the principal barriers amongst these include (William, Torrens, 2008):

Increase in population

Health Care Services Access


Increase in Population

Population is one of the key factors that affect the growth and health care system development . The population associated to the outcomes has been referred to those factors that are affecting the health of the general population. Through increasing the demand and health services needs, the above mentioned factors that are impacting the development of the health-care system increases the cost expenditure by the health care system. The increase in teenage birthing mothers, rise in alcohol and drugs usage, and the foreign immigrants are some of the significant problems that affect the costs and budget of the health care system.

However, the foreign population is not the only concern of the United States. Ageing population is an alarming factor (William, Torrens, 2008). As the report by the health workforce studies indicates, this ageing of the population will increase over a next 50 years, which will cause an unprecedented impact of the health care system. This ageing population is responsible for growing the health care expenditure, shifting the health problems from acute to chronic and the shortage in the health care professionals and paraprofessionals.

Availability of Health-Care Services

Availability of Health-Care Services is the right of every individual. The health care services access refers to the process that delivers equal providence to all individuals, regardless of their ethnicity, racial background, and financial status. As Hargraves & Hadley states in their report, the rural population faces more difficulty in ...
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