Facilities Management

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Facilities Management

Facilities Management


Management is regarded as an integral component of organization. In simple terms, management is all about arranging, organizing and planning in most effective manner. Management is all about utilizing the human resource at its optimal level. Human resource, marketing, supply chain, economics, and events are strongly associated with management. The factor of management lies under each head, from this one can analyze how important management is in the contemporary world. Management comprises of building strategies in order to achieve optimal level productivity (MacQueen, 1998, pp1). Event management is regarded as one of the vital component of management. Special events are defined as ground breaking activity. The memorable or ground-breaking events of organizations are most of the times conducted for a purpose. Special event requires extensive management policies; management is entirely collaborated with management. The advancement of technology implementation is in the hand of manager. The facilities management lies under the hand of management of an organization. Facilities management is a concept which is based on coordinating people, work, space which are linked with business service. Facility management is quite a vast discipline which generally involves all the coordination components. In simple terms, manager has to manage all available facilities in highly proficient manner. The productivity of an organization can only be achieved, when the manager exploit the resources at its optimal level (Barrett, 1995, pp 1-5).


Facilities Management

The discipline of facilities management is very vast, the term facilities is inter-related with management. In simple terms, facility management means the effective management of facilities for the best use of organization. The role of management and development facilities is to provide leadership - a leadership that is based on customer needs, in order to ensure the implementation of policies, regulations and procedures; and to perceive the changing needs of the customers and respond.

This division ensures that students, staff and visitors live in a clean, safe, healthy and welcoming. It recognizes and defines the design criteria and project management, and manages these projects with professionalism. It maintains continuous and smooth operation of facilities; explores, investigates and implements initiatives feasible and viable to improve the continuous operation of facilities and reduce energy consumption and resources (Deasy, et, al, 1990, pp1).

Management and development facilities see the comprehensive review of all proposed initiative, in terms of cost, time, performance and resource utilization. It comes and takes corrective action as necessary and as expeditiously as possible, to meet customer expectations and even surpass them.

The term facilities management (in English or outsourcing facilities management) refers to outsourcing part of the services you provide, ie entrust all or part of the management information system to an external services provider.

The provision of services is documented in a service contract (or service agreement also service level agreement SLA for its acronym in English) by means of which defines the terms and conditions as the provider accepts and quality of service expected (QoS, the acronym for Quality of ...
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