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Critical Analysis of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Critical Analysis of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


The purpose of this essay is to critically analyse how the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum is implemented in the setting. I will focus on three main areas, how the curriculum promotes children's learning, how the role and value is promoted through the curriculum and how practitioners deliver the curriculum. This essay will be supported by polices and other issues related to the EYFS.

Early years of any child are of great importance as experiences that children have during their initial years can be seen as a way to lay foundation for their future. In fact, Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS is a recognised platform that allows teachers to provide education to children from their birth up to five years. The main purpose of EYFS is to ensure effective learning of children who are under the age of five years (Baldock & Kay, 2009). It is important to know that there has been a national as well as international focus on early years as a significant area of education policy. I believe that emotional and cognitive condition of every child changes with the passage of time. Another important thing to know is that curriculum is placed at the heart of Early Years Foundation Stage because it is a great source of a flexible as well as a broad structure (Nutbrown et al., 2008). Similarly the role of government cannot be avoided in this regard as EYFS is also a fundamental issue for the government. Policies and procedures play a significant role in the effective implementation of childhood education.

I undertook the observation in a primary school, which was located in the borough of Barking and Dagenham, East London. To conform to the requirement of the Data Protection Act, the name of the school will remain anonymous. The setting consists of 23 children, all between the ages of 4 and 5 years, with one class teacher and one teaching assistant. The setting is multicultural, consisting of children from different racial back grounds, and different religions. For example, the setting has pupils from a variety of ethnic backgrounds such as Asian, Afro Caribbean, White and other ethnic groups. All children live local to the setting, within the borough of Barking and Dagenham. The classroom was fully equipped, with different activities performed on a daily basis; all children were independent and there was free flow of play, but with supervisions as it is considered vital that children are able to choose what to play. The key priority of this setting is to ensure that all children are happy in a safe environment, whilst providing the pupils with a good prime education.


Researchers believe that children construct their knowledge as they grow and mainly from their environment. In fact, information and knowledge gained at early childhood is important for children as they are able to use this information at later stage in their life (Nutbrown ...
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