Extremist Religious Ideologies

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Dangers Posed To Humanity and International Security by Extremist Religious Ideologies and Ways of Challenging or Moderating Them

Dangers Posed To Humanity and International Security by Extremist Religious Ideologies and Ways of Challenging or Moderating Them


Ideology is defined as “A system of ideas and beliefs about the nature of humanity, the nature of the world, government and politics that helps to guide the holder of the ideology in making political choices and in the exercise of political power” (Sloan and Anderson 2009, p.268-269). Ideology is the most important aspect in determining social and political aspects associated with the governance of system of a country. According to Sloan and Anderson, ideology has the same role in the belief system as theory in “scientific system”. There are many forms of belief system such as cultural and religious beliefs.

Religion is the most sensitive area of discussion as it has always been the root of various major conflicts and controversies that even led to wars like crusades and various others. With the passage of time, there have been various changes in the perceptions and international strategies and policies of the world, which present religion with the extremist ideologies. It is one of the main reasons that terrorism is the major threat for the world peace especially based on the religious extremism. These extremist religious ideologies results in imposing a major threat and dangers to humanity and international security. This requires effort to prevent humanity from the terror of these religious extremists and to ensure the international security by ways of challenging or moderating them.

Thesis Statement

Extremist religious ideologies results in imposing dangers to humanity and international security that require efforts to prevent humanity from the terror of these religious extremists and to ensure the international security by ways of challenging or moderating them.


Dangers Posed To Humanity and International Security by Extremist Religious Ideologies

With the increase in terrorist activities all over the world, it has resulted in the major concern for the rights and safety of humanity and the maintenance of international security. It is mainly due to the increase in the extremist movement all over the world. Europe is not an exception to this and therefore, parliament has to face various challenges in order to prevent these extremist movements mainly on the basis of religious identities. According to Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly (2004), “...extremist movements seek justification for their actions in religion” (p. 49). This results dangers for the humanity, international security, democracy and for various other religious groups and communities. It further highlights that there is “twofold” danger imposed on the safety of European continent against the extremist religious ideologies. One is based on the intolerance, religious fanaticism and fundamentalism. Another major threat is the isolation of religious communities.

Intolerance and Violence for the Humanity

Intolerance and Violence are the major dangers imposed on humanity that results in creating a major problem for the people to survive. It results in creating hatred and intolerance against the other religions ...
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