Extra-Sensory Perception

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Extra-Sensory Perception

Extra-Sensory Perception


Mankind's advances in technology and science have so far outstripped his humanistic tendencies that we are in danger of obliterating ourselves. What humanity needs in order to catch up with its own technology is to allow the right, intuitive side of the brain to flower. We are suffering from the so-called (culture lag) wherein man has built weapons that can destroy himself without knowing how to control them (Radin, 2006). Perhaps through the balancing of intuition with logic our next generation can establish a balance between man's humanity and inhumanity.

Intuition, extrasensory perception (ESP) and sixth sense are sometimes synonymous; they all refer to mind the ability to communicate without using 5 common channels of senses. ESP and psychic (PSI) can be synonymous, also (Wiseman & Greening, 2011). While esp. is a term popularized by J. B. Rhine and refers to information perceived by telepathy, clairvoyance or precognition. Psi used as a term for all ESP type and psychokinetic phenomena. So that 6th sense or (ESP) is the ability to sense something by means other than the main 5 senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. Intuition can be defined as a synthetic psychological function that apprehends the totality of a given situation. It is a subconscious and an irrational process. It based on a deep understanding of the situation. It is a complex phenomenon that draws from the store of knowledge in our subconscious and is rooted in experience. It is quick but not necessarily biased or emotion. Finally it can be defined as a direct acquisition of knowledge; some forms of intuitive in-formation come from the mind capacity to access information from a distant location (Radin, 1997).


Developing Extra-Sensory Perception

Developing Extra Sensory Perception is not something that one could pick a book and start learning; the art requires pure dedication and concentration for one to be able to develop it. Today many people claim to have the power and offer classes on developing extra sensory perception but this should be approached cautiously since in theory the power can be learned but in practice it is a power that one is developing.

Developing extra sensory perception is something that one can gain only after one has understood what he intends to use it for since in mostly requires peace and quiet thus transferring the same effect to the practice. Some religious leaders have managed developing extra sensory perception but little information is available from their experiences since they have transcended to another level of living were by earthly desires no longer matter to them. Most people that actually express the feelings and powers of extra sensory perception are those that are naturally born with the power and as they grow they learn to control and use or harness its effects for humanly desire.

People who manage developing extra sensory perception though constant practice seldom shares the experience since the experience is so traumatic and satisfying that most will just abandon all there earthly desired and dedicate their remaining life towards ...
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