Exploring Presidential Relationship

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Exploring Presidential Relationship


In this research we try to discover the insight of “Presidential Relationship” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Bill Clinton and Barack Obama” and its relation with “Presidential”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Clinton's and Obama's Presidency” and tries to measure its effect. Lastly the research illustrates a variety of factors and tries to describe the overall effect of it.

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis3

Domestic Policy4

Welfare Reform5

Timeline for Clinton's welfare reforms8

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program9

Policies under Obama11

Healthcare under Obama11

Saving America13

Promises and Reality13

Tax Policy by Obama Administration15



Exploring Presidential Relationship


Any region or country cannot develop progress or work in conformity unless; a consensus exists between the public and government. The route to development and growth rests with happiness and loyalty of the public that it shares for the country. If a state takes reasonable care of its inhabitants and not only provides them with the basic necessities of life, but also ensures the establishment of justices and fair distribution of resources; then the public would itself be devoted to giving their expected return to the state, in terms of production, loyalty, sincerity and trust. However, if the state is negligent with respect to the rights of citizens, or takes undue advantage of the authority given to them, then it acts as a demoralizing and agitating factor for the people.

The President of the United States of America is elected by an electoral college of the second degree i.e., formed by people elected by popular vote in their turn and elected for a period of four years. During its mandate the president, contrary to what happens in many other countries, continues to play the role of leader of his party (Warshaw, pp. 34). At the same time is a repository of executive power, performing the function of both prime minister as head of state. However, the legislature and the judiciary, solely belongs to the Supreme Court (Boo, 2003).

As provided by the U.S. Constitution, the President prepares and submits to Congress an annual report on public affairs. The head of the White House also controls the activities of numerous federal agencies which include the Secret Service, Investigative Services and the Council for National Security and the work of the fourteen secretaries heads of individual departments.

The constitution also provides that the President is also the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Send orders to the various military commands through the office of Secretary of Defense and, flanked by the heads of the army, navy, air force and Marines, makes decisions on military strategies, armaments and funds be allocated to this sector. He is not allowed, however, to declare war, since this is a power that is vested solely in Congress.

The President then has diplomatic powers, which include the negotiation of treaties, the appointment of ambassadors abroad both of these decisions require the approval of two thirds of the Senate, make arrangements with the foreign heads of state joint-stock common and receiving foreign ...