Exploring Honesty And Trust In Relation To Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, And Their Organizations

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Exploring Honesty and Trust In Relation To Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and Their Organizations

Exploring Honesty and Trust In Relation To Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and Their Organizations


Today the world is changing rapidly, as a result of growing changes organizations has to deal w people with different personalities having different emotions, it has to deal with increasing fast paced integrations among employees. Emotional intelligence is one of the effective ways to successfully deal with them. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, sense, and efficiently apply the power of emotions as source of human connection, influence, energy, and information, Emotional intelligence is the basis for trust and honesty. The concept of honesty and trust among in business has become common business parlance.

According to Steve Forbes, trust and honesty is the bedrock of democratic capitalism. Honest and trust are two fundamental requirements that should necessarily filled if individuals want to grow spiritually and follow true destination of professional and personal development. Honesty and trust is the secret to successful organizations. In this paper we are going to explore trust and honesty in relation to emotional intelligence, leadership and organization. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of trust and honesty in a successful organization and how leaders can help build these emotions in employees so that they could work for effectiveness of organizations (Mulqueen, 2012).


Emotional intelligence in an organization can be determined as the ability of employees to manage their emotions in a way that cultivated honesty, trust, group efficiency and identity to maximize effectiveness, corporation, and collaboration. Leaders use their emotions to improve the performance of their teams and of their organization. Certain components of emotional intelligence play their part and show their impact on components of leadership. Honesty and trust is among those important components. Trust and honesty is the foundation of teamwork, it allow individuals to improve without being defensive or self critical.

When examining emotional intelligence and leadership styles, Barling found that emotional intelligence have significant positive relationship with three components of transformational leadership (inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and individualized consideration), contingent rewards which is a significant component of transactional leadership. Active passive management by exception and laissez faire leadership are not related to emotional intelligence. He reported highest correlations between inspirational motivation and emotional intelligence indicating that emotional intelligence of a significant dimension of understanding emotions which is specifically important for leadership effectiveness (Barling, 2000). Emotional intelligence of leaders has positive correlation with conscientiousness of their followers. When employees feel trusted by their leaders, they feel satisfied and motivated thus become more productive which at the end becomes highly beneficial for the organization.

According to Tsaousis, Vakola, and Niklaou Emotional Intelligence is a significant contributor to a better understand of affective implication of change of policy in organization. Moreover they claim that employees that have low control over their emotion often react negatively towards proposed changes as they are not well equipped to deal effective with demand and affective consequences ...