Explore And Analyze Two Contemporary Issues For Social Workers Working With Individuals With Learning Disabilities.

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Explore and analyze two contemporary issues for social workers working with individuals with Learning Disabilities.

Explore and analyze two contemporary issues for social workers working with individuals with Learning Disabilities.

The concept of social work is the need and significant aspect of the present day society which aims upon improving the wellbeing and living quality of a group, individual, or a community. The social workers usually intervene with the help of their policies, researches, practices, and educating people on behalf of those who have been afflicted with any perceived or real violations of their right and social injustice. The social workers perform their research and practice usually on the aspect of the social policy, human development, psychotherapy, public administration, community development, program evaluation, and international development. These people are categorized into national, local, and international professional bodies and perform their assigned tasks with dedication. The current paper will explore and analyze the contemporary issues that the social worker faces when they are working with the individuals having learning disabilities.

Individuals with Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities refer to a significantly declined ability for understanding and interpreting the complex or new information, learning a new set of skills (impaired intelligence), and having lesser capability in coping up in an independent manner (impaired social functioning). This is basically a condition that has its onset prior to the adulthood, and imposes lifelong impacts on an individuals' development. Learning disabilities have been the most significant types of the childhood impairment. It has been researched that, out of every 20 children, 1 child suffers from the learning disability of one or the other kind (Lerner, Janet, 2000). The term 'learning disability' is used in a wide context and covers all such developments that are prominently behind those that may be expected at a specific age. The element of learning disability is likely to take place either in addition to any physical or sensory damages and any medical conditions or it may develop on its own without any additional causes.

Some children, for instance those suffering from the Down's syndrome, possess a genetic fundamental that becomes a reason for their learning disability. However, the causes of the learning disability in most of the children are not known. A learning disability is a lifetime condition and there exist no cures for the disability but the children can be helped through education which may lead them to live a valued and fulfilling life. Learning disability represents the categorization that includes various functioning areas in which the individual possesses difficulty in undertaking the learning process in a usual manner. This difficulty may be caused by one or the other factors present in the lives of these people. Thus, the psychological concept of learning disability represents the occurrence of prominent problems in learning in different areas of academics (Renée, Louis, Daniel, 2002). However, all these problems may not prove to be sufficient for an official diagnosis which may be characterized by an insufficient development of particular language, academic, and speech ...
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