Exploration Of Personal Values

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Exploration of Personal Values

Exploration of Personal Values

Introduction to Values

Values are basically beliefs. These give one's life a direction and meaning. Personal values are standards of living that a person sets to live by. Personal values set the course of one's life. These are really important to one and whatever he or she does reflects their personal values. Personal values vary from individual to individual. It is possible that the values important to an individual may do not mean a thing to another, and he or she may consider it petty. A person may be born with some values, and it is equally possible that he sets some values as his life rolls on. Personal values motivate a person, and when incorporated in daily life they produce positive and meaningful results.

Personal Values

I have a set of personal values too, and I am discussing them under with convincing reasons so as to why they are important to me:


I have thirst for knowledge, and I am always very keen to learn new things and explore them in detail. I like to keep myself updated with the happenings of the world. I like to be known as a knowledgeable and updated person in my social circle as they add a special quality to ones personality. In my case, it not only applies to material knowledge but also to philosophical know how. I am always eager to know others experiences so as to perceive the situations when I am subjected to them at any point of my life. I think it is the most intelligent and quickest way learns things.

Ethical Principles and Self Esteem

I am very particular about the ethics I follow in my daily dealings. I believe and try to maintain a standard of ethics for my own as well as for others sake. I cannot afford any burden on my conscience, so I try my level best to carry out everything in a morally correct and acceptable manner. Along with that another very important thing to me is my self-respect, and I can never compromise with it. I strongly believe that if one respects himself then he is bound to receive respect from others. People respect those who follow a morally acceptable and respectable code of ethics.

Sense of Achievement and Desire for Improvement

I am by nature a practical person. Whenever I learn a new idea or something I am always interested in applying it practically. I am always eager to take challenges and have an innate desire for making the impossible possible. What I sincerely wish to achieve is the sense of accomplishment, and I cherish it a lot. Furthermore, I also cherish people's appraisal for my work. I am always open to suggestions and always have the urge for continuous improvement in my work. It is mainly due to these reasons that I wish to pursue a career in business management.

Dedication and Persistence

I am a very dedicated and ...
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