Explanatory Synthesis Social Networking: The White, The Black And The Gray

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Explanatory Synthesis Social Networking: The White, The Black and The Gray

Explanatory Synthesis Social Networking: The White, The Black and The Gray


Social networking plays a significant role in shaping social interactions of people on the web (Engdahl, 2007). The most widely used social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook are welcoming the growing number of users and are shifting to huge spaces of virtual community where their members interact with their acquaintances and friends devoid of any geographical or cultural boundary (Engdahl, 2007). This kind of availability has forming a big online data sharing space which was by no means put up before. As the basis platform, the social communities are formed on Web2.0 features. Thus, social media is available in a number of forms like blogs, social networks, weblogs, blogs, video sharing and Wikis communities.


In the first decade of the 21st century, the term social networking moved from a scholarly concept in the social sciences and into the popular consciousness. Traditional models of social networks that relied on largely interpersonal communication, such as the two-step flow in communication theory, gave way to Web 2.0 technology, which allowed users to collaboratively publish and share content and to build and reinforce networks virtually (Patridge, 2011). This shift has been furthered by the development of mobile computing tools that allow users to communicate with their online networks at all times, merging their physical and online presences. Today, millions of individuals are using social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and My Space etc. to join, meet and share. Social networks are actually a means of configuring relationships between people in approaches allowing people to link together using a number of offered services in an assortment from family members to casual friendships (Patridge, 2011). On account of the Internet, the geographical remoteness is not a restriction for social ties and people can easily connect to each other and build social links using particular design of social networks.

Thesis Statement

As of September, 2012, one of the most extensively used social networking websites Facebook has more than one billion active users from all over the globe (Facebook 2012), letting the content sharing effortlessly from all over and allowing users to link with each other from a number of locations and a variety of cultures whilst is not startling that professionals as well as students started broadly to talk about the usage of social networking websites. Thus, this research paper aim to highlight advantages and some neglected negative consequences. The author of this research aimed to examine the popularity of social networking and the black, white and gray of social networking using the primary research that is the “Survey” as well as the secondary research that is the “Literature review.”

Aims & Objectives

To label the conception of social networking and to discover why social networking has a very important role today.

To carry out a secondary research on present literature in the field of social networking.

To explore the advantages of social networking.

To investigate the disadvantages of social ...