Explain How History Contributes To The Spiritual, Intellectual, Moral, Social And Cultural Developments Of Pupils

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Explain how History contributes to the spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and cultural developments of pupils

Explain how History contributes to the spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and cultural developments of pupils

History has been an indispensable element in the consolidation of nationalities. In other cases, the story comes to regions, groups or institutions, as a source to raise awareness on the membership of the individuals to an ethnic group, a cultural community, a region, in doing so has led to the integration and persistence of the group collectively. No activity has been better than intellectual history, to consciousness of a community's identity. History national, regional, or groups, meet, even unintentionally, with a double social function on the one hand, promotes cohesion within the group, on the other reinforces attitudes of defense and the fight against outside groups.

This utility is in being the unifying element and gives a sense of identity to the historical subject. In this situation it is important to note that, depending on the nucleus in which the subject is inserted, perform actions, generate values, propose solutions is aimed at modifying the space in which it operates although not acting also influences the same space.

History has been one of the most cultural forms have been used to justify institutions, beliefs and community purposes providing cohesion to groups, classes, nations, empires. This feature comes from the uses to which the results of research of social scientists. Each company and its men and women, grouped according to their interests of all kinds, will drive a different perspective or political - ideological resumption of historical discourse, often without regard to its theoretical legitimacy.

History is about the associations we have with in our past with the society, ancestors, livelihood, environment, nation etc. Liberal educators known as historians are driving the history of different cultures and society. It is necessary for one to know and be enlightened about as much about the history as they can. The study of history has always helped people to develop a better society, but then again different people belong to a different school of thought, as likewise have different perceptions about one topic. Several people state back from the past that, history is playing a major role in this technological era to initially survive and later progress into the society.

Two schools of thoughts came into view here, one are of the belief that history is relevant, similarly, the other school of thought are of the opinion that history is irrelevant.

Following are someone of the viewpoints regarding the relevancy and irrelevancy of history:

One school of thought is of the belief that history is relevant because it actually helps us mould our lives, and helps in not doing the mistakes from the past. One can easy grasp the cause and effect of any problem happened in the past. History helps people have a better future.

“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development”-Aristotle

The above quote clearly explains that, in order to understand anything one must closely scrutinize its ...
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