Expert System And Unit Performance

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Expert System and Unit Performance

Expert System and Unit Performance


As the world is becoming global, organizations are storing and accumulating huge amount of data every day. In order to survive in this competitive world organizations are continuously striving to improve the quality and reduce the variability in every process throughout the organizations. Effective access to the data and ability to analyze that data is the key to increasing customer satisfaction and reducing defects which untimely leads to increased productivity. Analysis of the data provides invaluable management information which plays an important role in generating profits. In last few years, question answering systems have become highly important for organizations dealing with huge amount of information.

For example legal information needs to quickly shift through case law to find useful citation and precedent (Lindsay, 2000). In these situation information systems helps them get quick answers to resolve the quarries which ultimately impacts business growth. In this paper we are going to discuss two questioning answering systems conventional business intelligence systems and expert system, one system can explain a how question while other can explain both why and how why question. Moreover, we shall analyze an article named as “Achieving Excellence in Small-Unit Performance” indicating tools used to measure performance. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about various performance tools and important systems to increase performance of the organization.

Conventional Business Intelligence Systems and Expert System

Conventional business system (BIS) allows organizations to analyze and view performance measure across a business enterprise. These systems have several useful functions such as an ability to view data in tabular or graphical format, to alter the user if performance measurement goes out of the target value, and to drill down lower level of data. Various conventional systems provide configurable home pages since they are web based and some have key performance indicators to benchmark actual performance against several targets or have library of performance measures. However conventional business system does not have the capability to present difficult statistical analysis in a user friendly format that is critical to improving processes and reducing defects. On the other hand conventional business intelligence system provides immediate answers and deep understanding to both sophisticated and simple business questions. BIS do a good job while showing us trends in cost of materials but it will fall short when it comes to defining how million of our customers are using specific web application and ways to improve it.

The user interface of expert system enables users to communicate with the computers. The communication between user and computer is usually carried out in a question and answer format in a natural language. In various cases it is enhanced by graphics. The dialogue between computer and users trigger the interference engine to match symptoms of problems with knowledge stored in data base and in the end advice is generated. Expert system's unique feature is to explain its recommendations. There is a subsystem in the main system named as justifier or explanation ...