In this era people are more conscious about their health as compared to the past. Studies show that the attitudes and knowledge of people vary from one other regarding health. To remain healthy key factors are healthy food, physical activities and positive attitudes towards health. Various studies have been done in order to analyze the person's attitudes, knowledge and practices towards healthful nutrition like study conducted by (Noo, 2011) concludes that those people who are aware about the importance of healthful nutrition they are more take care of their health ( Slatter Tracey ,2003) in her study reveals that there are many positive and significant impacts of health promotion programs in various rural and urban areas. People after attending healthful promotion programs become more conscious about their health and food. In addition to this (Nutbeam, D, 1998) pointed some of the problems and issues regarding health promotion programs.
The study made by (Snyder, L. B., 2007) on the changing behavior of people concludes that the behavior of the people changes due to health communication programs related to healthful nutrition. The research study also comprises of the empirical investigation of the attitudes and practices of the individuals towards healthful nutrition before and after training programs. The basic research question of the study based on the analyzing the statistical significance of the training on the attitudes and practices of the individuals. It was an empirical analysis that's why statistical tool was used for the examination of data. Data was collected from twenty individuals and experimental research design was followed. The basics of experimental research design were experimental and control group therefore two groups created.
The research study follows the standards of research methodology likert( Graziano et al,1993) proposed a complete methodology of the research study which states that the research design, sampling design, analytical techniques are the major parts of any research study.
Purpose of the Study
The study is made to analyze the effect of training program on the attitudes and practices of individuals regarding healthful nutrition. Moreover to analyze this impact an empirical analysis aimed to perform on the data collected from 20 male individuals.
Problem statement
The problem statement of the study is that
Is there any difference in attitudes and practice of experimental and control subjects regarding healthful nutrition after participation in six weeks respective programs?
Statement of Hypotheses
The null and alternate hypotheses of the study are given below:
Ho=: There is no statistically significant difference in control and experimental subjects' Attitude and Practice regarding healthful nutrition six weeks after ' participation in their respective programs.
H1= There is statistically significant difference in experimental and control subjects' Attitude and Practice regarding healthful nutrition six weeks after ' participation in their respective programs.
Limitations of the Research
The study is primary research as the data is collected through questionnaire from individuals. In collecting primary data the chances of data biasness increases as the researcher cannot be certain that the information provided by the respondents is correct or not. The same kind of limitation applies on this study ...