Experiential Learning

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Experiential Learning


This research paper is about experiential learning, which means learning through experience. It is the process of receiving information or acquiring skills through direct, independent study of an object or task. Further more this paper will provide information about Kolb's model of experiential learning theory.

Table of Contents




Learning through Experience5

The Origins of the Theory of Learning through Experience6

The Theory of Learning through Experience8

Learning Process14




Work Teams15


The Learning Cycle16

Learning Styles17

Benefits of experiential learning19



Experiential Learning


Experiential learning (experiential learning) is based on the assumption that knowledge is created through the transformation brought about by experience. The concrete experience is transferred to abstract conceptualization which is actively tested through new experiences. It is constructed by the individual. The main objective in this scheme is the construction of meaning by the student through two types of experience: the discovery, understanding and application of knowledge to situations or problems and interaction with other members of the process, where through spoken and written language, students share the acquired knowledge and, through this process, deepened, and perfected it dominates. Thus, the peer group that has had little relevance in more traditional educational models will hold a key place in this process. The other principle that is based on this philosophy of education is experiential learning, according to which we all learn from our own experiences and reflection on them for improvement. (Carver,2009)


Dependent model of David Kolb on the theory of experiential learning as illustrated in his book Experiential learning: Experience is the source of learning and development (1984) and includes a model of the ELT two types: the experience of physical and abstract conceptual; addition to the two approaches others to convert the pilot: Displayed contemplative and effective. According to the Kolb model, we must integrate the previous four patterns in the learning process of idealism. Individuals try to use all four methods. However, they tend to develop the strengths of the method to accommodate the experience and the last to be converted and learning styles are a combination of methods of individual, these are, Assembly, Difference, Absorption and Adjustment. (Joplin,1981)

It is characterized by consolidation method, abstract and active experimentation. It is also useful in the manufacture of practical applications of ideas and use deductive reasoning to solve problems. The method of difference tends toward concrete experience and reflective viewing and the advantage of being imaginative, and useful to put forward ideas and see things from a different perspective. The Absorption method is characterized by concepts of abstract and contemplative viewing. It is able to create models of the theory of inductive inference by. The method is used to adapt concrete experiences and actual experience. It is useful in the effective overlap with the world; in addition to doing things instead of reading and study. Kolb's model led to the emergence of valuation method used to determine the individual learning style. The individual may prefer one of the four patterns (adaptation or assembly or difference or absorption) according to its own method of learning through experiential learning theory ...
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