Experiential Exercise

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Experiential Exercise


The cultural framework in which individual contact takes place is conceivably the most essential influence on human dealings. Culture gives the general structure in which human beings discover to systematize their feelings, sentiments, and performances in relation to their surroundings. Even though natives are born into a society, it is not natural. It edifies an individual how to reflect, circumstances on how to experience, and teaches one how to perform, particularly how to work together; in other expressions, communicate. In many states, the communication and culture can be employed in the similar manner. The impact of culture on human interface is contradictory. This paper will discuss about the case study of the Fred Wagner. (Luthans & Doh, p. 120- 121)


The reason for not choosing the distribution of hardware products of Fred by German executives are because of the reason that Fred did not take cake of importance of intercultural communication. German executives like to greetings should be expressed to them by their title, and unless invited, one should never talk about somebody on a first-name basis. One of the ignorance of Fred towards cultural variation was that he shook hands firmly with the German executives, greeted everyone with a friendly Guten Tag. In addition, with a few humorous anecdotes, he prefaced his presentation to set a relaxed and receptive atmosphere. He did not keep in his mind that Germans are very serious when it comes to business, therefore during business meetings, one should avoid using humor and a person should be as prepared as possible and keep optimistic banter to the judgment of German hosts.

Culture has often been explained as making distinctions in the manner of sending and receiving messages received. (Loosemore & Lee, p. 517-524; Freeman & Brown, p. 169-182; Kim, 554-577) It is determined by culture that ...
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