Experience Of Student Nurses

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Research - Experience of First Death of a Patient by Student Nurses

Table of Contents


Theoretical Framework1

Aim / Objective1


Research Setting2

Evidence of Sample Size2

Representative Sample2

Description of Procedure for Data Collection3

Rationale for Choice of Data Collection Tool(s)3

Detailed Recruitment Data3

Fit Between Stated Research Question & Format & Content of Data Collection Tool3

Fit Between Research Question & Method of Analysis4

Justification for Analytic Method Selected4

Assessment of Reliability of Analytic Process4

Evidence of User Involvement in Design4

Strengths and Limitations of the Study4




Research - Experience of First Death of a Patient by Student Nurses


The assignment is about experiences of student nurses of first death of a patient. The paper will be discussing the theoretical framework of the first deaths that are experienced by student nurses. In addition, this paper will be analyzing the research topic with the help of qualitative research to better understand the area of study. For this purpose, the paper will be consisting of fourteen critique tools that relate to qualitative research.

Theoretical Framework

Death is usually viewed as an abnormal and tragic event, rather than the normal and expected end of life. Therefore, the assignment considers the framework of this study to understand the profession of nursing in which nurses encounter death more often than the general public (Williams & Taylor 2008: pp. 899-908). Studies have shown that thirty five percent of all nurses and sixty percent of intensive care nurses are reported to experience the death of a patient at least once in a week. The selected framework of this study is to analyze the student nurses when they experience the death of patient for the first time. The studies that are analyzed in this research provide detailed analysis of the topic of study because of which it was selected among the other studies. Also, other studies analyzed the experiences of nurses; however, they were not detailed as required. The theoretical framework of this study describes the studied topic and how student nurses feel about first death of a patient. Therefore, a score of 2 has been given to this section.

Aim / Objective

The aim and objective of the study are listed below:

To explore the lived experiences of student nurses when they experience the death of a patient for the first time.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the experiences of the participants. To this extent, the paper is examined and the research is conducted based on the aim / objective of this paper. Therefore, the section would be scored as 2.


Research Setting

The selected method of the study is qualitative research in which the paper will be analyzing the experiences of student nurses with the help of phenomenological research method. The phenomenological study is conducted in order to identify the experiences of participants. In this study, the participants are student nurses and research is conducted to identify their experiences about first death of a patient. Then, the research will be analyzing those experiences that have been shared by the research participants. Further, the study is aimed at finding the experience of ...
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