Experience Journal

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Experience Journal

Experience Journal

Question 1

The hotel environment was very quiet and peaceful. The atmosphere of the working environment was peaceful with merely 12 people. Therefore, the job was not stressing whereas the staff was mostly responding the phone calls. The staff was cooperative, and senior people were happy to help junior people. Management was quite concerned about the staff, that is, they hired additional people for greater guest arrivals, as well as, prompt guest management. As far as the cutting back of older staffing is concerned, new people are always there to help the new joiners and guide them through the process. The front desk personnel mostly relied upon housekeeping and maintenance domain for cleanliness and management of paper work. There's a different in a busy schedule or low schedule day, the front desk forward calls to related departments, whereas, at a low schedule day they do additional services for the guest. the hotel environment is immensely calm and well-managed for the staff, whereas, it shows high concern of management towards their workforce (Hoque, 2013).

Question 2

The department of reservations, guest management and the front desk are interwoven when it comes to functioning and operations. They are indispensible towards roles and responsibilities and mistake made by one department affects the other department. For instance, if the front desk personnel make a wrong entry for guest arrival time, or the reservation department forwards incorrect data to front desk for making arrangements of guest management, the operation and functioning of all three departments would be affected. For a special reservation, reservation department has to inform the front desk department so that they inform concerned departments for making prompt arrangements through guest management department. Therefore, it is evident the roles and responsibilities of all three departments are integrated with each other and they all fall under same domain of management. The mistake committed by any of these departments would adverse the performance of all three departments, whereas, the achievement of one of them would escalate the performance of the rest two.

Question 3

The environment of the hotel is immensely pleasant and it was a great experience to work. There was hardly any conflict during my period of work; however, the management of departments sometimes got stuck with unaddressed issues. For instance, a guest once called for to obtain a pick from a far off area, and later he cancelled it. He was so angry when he found out that cancellation of transport from a far off area has got a penalty. The issue was faced by guest management department that called up the front desk department. The front desk department transferred the call to customer relation management department. Customer relation management department convinced the customer and rationalize the imposition of penalty, whereas, closed the payment at 70%. The conflict was managed in a very sophisticated manner without losing the customer. The customer management department is very competitive while handling customer related issues. The approach towards conflict management shows the efficiency of departments functioning as the ...
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