Exemplification Essay

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Exemplification Essay

Exemplification Essay


The higher education has been becoming more global in today's era. The population of diverse students is continuously entering in the American societies throughout the country. The colleges and institutes in America welcome students from all around the world. As the international and local migrated students join the new college or new institute, they face many challenges. Many colleges and institutes in America develop effective strategies to help and assist the international and local migrated students to adopt the changes in the American cultures. The international students as well the local students who migrate from the rural to urban areas also face major challenges when they join the college or institute in the urban areas. Such students if given the proper guidance can easily cope up with the challenges in the new environments and can grab the opportunities with the confidence.


The students that have already faced the challenges in an unfamiliar environment give the best guidance to their followers. First of all it is important to know that what specific challenges are faced by the students when they go the unfamiliar environments for continuing their higher studies. In the following section the major challenges that may be faced by the local as well as international students will be discussed and as well as the possible solutions are discussed that may help the students to cope up with the problems.

Challenges faced by international students and their solutions

The major challenges faced by the students in new environment involve the following.

Getting settled in new environment

When the students move from the rural to urban areas or they move from one country to another, it is very difficult for them to get settled. Usually the students who migrated are alone and they have to arrange the residence and transport for themselves. As everything is unfamiliar to them, therefore it takes time for them to understand and settle in the living environment.

Cultural differences

In United States there are the people living from all around the world. It gives the major challenges to the new migrants to adjust in such the diverse cultural environment. The students find it difficult to deal with the multi cultural people. In order to deal with such a situation, the students must easily accept the cultural differences and must feel that the other students are also like them and also face the same situations as them. Accepting the cultural difference will help the students to adapt to the changing environment.

Linguistic Differences and barriers

The linguistic difference is one of the major challenges and the communication barrier when they are moved towards an unfamiliar environment to get the higher studies. This challenge is usually faced by the international students which creates the hurdles for them in understanding the conversations. Although it also takes time for the students to understand and to learn the foreign language to easily communicate with other in the environment.

College or institutional environment differences

The environment in the foreign college or in the foreign institute is far different than that ...
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