Examine Surveys And Response Biases

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Examine Surveys and Response Biases

Examine Surveys and Response Biases


Innovation in any manner makes it more meaningful and a good change. Using the old method express the situation of cliché in any means. The public health organization requires advancement and changing in the process which makes it more meaningful with the previous other's schedules. The team of investigator has to implement new process and procedures in the public health business department. For this, they conduct an open survey and ask with employers who already working in the public health department. These employers are the main person that observed or noticed many lacking strategies while on the job. The team of investigator has asked the employers about the development which they want to occur in the public health organization process. The close surveillance of these employers will helpful for the researchers because they evaluate the modification areas in the public health organization function. The investigator has asked orally with employers among other employers. Some employers were hesitated whereas the remaining was very confident during responding (Creswell & Clark, 2007).



In any open session, the confidence level of people mostly very less, due to which they do not engage their feelings among others. When the investigator asked openly to employers, they felt hesitated to share the capacity lacking among other employers. The open session mostly would not include the main idea because the behavior of humans is mostly timid and shy. These qualities are not wealthy to the investigators to collect all the information. There are many errors that might abrupt the fluency of this process and rapid innovation in public health organization employers methods. These errors are as follows:

The employers would not openly involved in the debate

Many lacking areas would not include in this study means

Some of The employers would not participate due to offensive nature of their supervisors

In open discussion, they would bound to describe central issues due to staff

These are significant possibilities of error that might faced by the researchers, when they asked openly with the employers. Following are the errors that also faced by employers because the session is orally and the researchers might be missed some information which is as follows:

The researchers have missed the significant innovation in the public health organization because they conduct oral session.

At the time of the session, they discussed or asked the changing which employers want in the department, but they do not document any manner. This lacking may cause severe problem.

The proper design or method has not followed, due to which they unable to entirely overcome with the final solution.

These are the probable errors that can encounter by the researchers and employers during orally session (Gazmararian, et.al, 1999).

Better Approach

From the aforementioned errors, there are many possibilities that can modify these errors into potential actions. These actions further provide affluent issues to employers and the researchers. The employers have turned off from the past practices, and no other effective results have seen from last month results. The innovation process would increase their interest ...
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