Examination Questions

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Examination Questions

Examination Questions

Section A: (Short Answers)

Question 1

The poem “The Ambulance in the Valley” describes the events that took place at the dangerous cliff near the valley. The writer describes that nature and the amount of incidents that take place year at the cliff. He states in the poem that most people visit the mountain cliff to get amused with the beautiful scenery, but some of them unfortunately end up falling or slipping from the cliff. These accidents have created a fear among people that they will also fall if they the dangerous cliff, but this fear has not stopped these people to visit the cliff. Therefore, in order to solve this issue, the dwellers belonging to the nearby valley have proposed some solutions to reduce the impact of accidents. With mutual consensus, and taking the opinions of the majority, the authorities have decided to put an ambulance down in the valley.

This ambulance will make sure that any person getting injured by falling or slipping from the cliff, get medical attention and assistance as soon as possible. This measure will not only reduce the death rate caused by the accidents of falling or slipping from the cliff, but also kill the fear among the people visiting the cliff. However, the writer seems unhappy with the decision of setting up an ambulance down in the valley. He is of the opinion that the measure of setting up an ambulance is not a permanent solution to the problem and that it will only result in repairing the damages than curing the root cause. The solution should be such that it not only provide medical assistance after an incident has occurred but also offer a preventive measure to avoid such accidents to happen once and for all. However, in this poem, we have analyzed that opinions of the minorities were not entertained. People who have tried to raise their voice against the safety measure or who have proposed an alternate solution were highly criticized. The inventions preferred by the authorities were focused only on one aspect of the events occurred at the dangerous cliff, the proposed safety measures were only focused to repair the problem and not to cure it.

The assessment of a success or failure of an intervention depends on its potential to eliminate the root cause of the problem. A solution should be focused on actions rather than reactions. Pre-emptive measures are more important for an intervention to succeed rather than post-event safety measures. In this poem, the majority of dwellers are more interested to adapt the post-event measures that will only result in curing the injuries rather than the cause of injuries.

Question 2

The manager's essential job is to solve organizational problems and fulfill human needs through people working cooperatively. Unfortunately, schools, professors, and books can help you prepare yourself for the job but can't make us a manager. As we reflect at the completion of our graduate program, there are some skills and personal attributes that we need to ...
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