Examination Of A Child

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Examination of Humerus of a Child in Radiology Department

Examination of Humerus of a Child in Radiology Department


Radiology is one of the fields of medical. The main purpose of radiology is to diagnose and treat the disease within the body of human. Radiologists use many tools in order to find out the diseases. For instance, X-Rays, Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Radiography, Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Radiology is the study of images of the human body. A radiologist is a physician who has the speciality in radiology. For diagnosing the disease, he must have a great understanding of Anatomy, Pathology and Physiology.

Fracture is also known as Bone Fracture. It is the medical condition in which the continuity of bone is broke. It occurs when excessive force is applied to bones. It can also be the result by weakening in the bones because of a medical condition. For aligning the bones, plaster braces, screws, nails and fixers are used.


Types of Humerus fracture

An injury to the bone of the upper arm is referred to a Humerus fracture. Shoulder is connected with the elbow with the help of the humerus. There are three types of humerus fracture.[]

Proximal Humerus Fractures

It occurs near the joint of the shoulder. Shoulder joint is just like the ball, and the socket joint, at the top of the humerus bone there is a ball. Proximal fracture occurs if the ball gets damage.

Mid-Shaft Humerus Fractures

This fracture occurs away from the shoulder and elbow joints. Most of these fractures heal up without any surgery. These injuries are associated with the injury of one of the largest nerve in the arm. This nerve is referred to as radial nerve.

Distal Humerus Fractures

These injuries are uncommon in adults. These fractures occur near the joint of the elbow. These types of fractures require proper surgical treatment. This type of fracture is most common among children.

Forearm fractures in early childhood are very common. Kids perform various activities, which results in, vulnerable elbows injuries. They normally occur after a fall on widespread hand. Early assessment is necessary; the assessment must focus on open fracture, neurovascular compromise or with associated injuries. Right diagnosis from radiology is essential for the proper care of injury.

Some of the signs which shows the injury in the child are,

1.Feeling difficulty in straighten up or bending the elbow.

2.Swelling or bruising around the elbow.

3.Feeling pain around the elbow.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Humerus Fracture

As a Physician, I must have to find out the damage to the nerves and blood vessels at or around the joint of the elbow. These injuries are minor in nature. My main focus is to find out the injuries to the blood supply of the arm. For diagnosing the elbow fractures X-rays are used, but in children there are also growth plates (area around the joint of the elbow that are growing actively) which usually damage. For this purpose, I can use the X-ray of the other hand i.e. uninjured to compare both the elbows to find ...
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