The examinations are the tools most often used by teachers to gather information about the learning of their students and then, based on that information, decide to promote or delay them. The oral examination has traditionally been the most widely used screening method, especially in teaching superior.
Teaser Statement
“Typically, these tests have many drawbacks, since the development of these intervening variables not necessarily related to the learning objectives to be evaluated”.
Thesis Statement
“Written examinations are gradually displacing the oral exams in both evaluations partial and in the final evaluations, the most used in graduate courses and careers”. (Kluth, 2007).
Concept of Examination
An examination is a test done to check the knowledge that has a person on a particular issue. In education, teachers take their students test to confirm that they understand the subjects taught: "I've got a ten on the review of literature," "I have to study for the math test." The term examination is linked to the concept of evaluation, which refers to point out, estimate, assess or estimate the value of something. In this sense, he says school testing evaluation: "Evaluation of biology has been very difficult." Academic tests can be developed according to different paradigms. The positivist, for example, is based on a quantitative perspective, while the alternative disbelieves the objectivity of the evaluation. A very common type of test is multiple choices. The author provides exam questions and suggests several answers: the examinee must choose between them which are correct. In addition, consideration is taken to subjects must demonstrate their ability to exercise a profession or trade, "Before being hired, I had to take a test with five other candidates." Physical examination is the set of procedures that a doctor makes the patient after the clinical interview. Its aim is to obtain objective data or signs that refer to the symptoms mentioned by the patient. Thus, the physical examination allows the specialist to make a diagnosis or clinical judgment, which may require other tests to confirm the syndrome or disease exists (John, 2001).
Types of Examination
The range of exams that students may face is great. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of knowledge to assess and is more or less easy for different people. Knowing, knowing how they develop and what its structure, allows anyone to improve performance and present.
(i) Oral examination
It is one in which there is a dialogue or discussion between the student and the teacher, who will call out a series of questions the student must answer or present and defend their views, too loudly. Unlike a written examination where there is time to reflect on the responses, the oral examination will require knowledge beyond the subject and requires quick thinking and instant answers. In an oral examination the student should be able to explain in their own words the answers to the questions that the teacher does. Usually not be useful to memorize answers, because the teacher can question the answers. The oral exam can be applied to students individually ...