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Exam Questions- Marketing Management

Exam Questions-Marketing Management

Question 1: The Features of Static View of Culture between Chinese and Spanish

The static perception of culture is helpful in the comprehension and description of the obvious differences in various ways of business approach and further issues. It may not be adequate to completely interpret the intricacy of culture in international business. The comparison of static culture provides some general trends at diversified levels. Following are the features of static view of culture between Chinese and Spanish. In the following analysis, we will discuss the dimensions of cultural variations perceived by Chinese and Spanish.

It has been observed that Chinese are referred as Asians and Spanish are referred as Europeans. Moreover, the static cultural perspectives applied to daily life and work specific to business include the cultural element of formality, cognitive logic, contacts, time orientations and international experiences. In addition, the feature of static view related to business aspects includes the elements of organizational structure, business focus, principles of management, knowledge and business development. It has been perceived that Chinese are formal in general, whereas Spanish are informal. In terms of time orientation, Chinese are long term goal oriented and Spanish are short- medium term goal oriented. In addition, Spanish prefer impersonal contact, whereas Chinese have personal contact.

Furthermore, it is culturally accepted by Spanish to base their decisions on numeric and cognitive logic, whereas Chinese make use of concepts for the same purpose. This feature is related to aspects of business that reflects the fundamental logic in decision making procedure and evaluation of business. For the business aspects, Spanish manager's focus is on planning and Chinese managers are result oriented. Spanish organizations have flexible and flat structure and Chinese organizations are hierarchical. In terms of management principles, the management in China is focused effectiveness, whereas Spanish management is efficiency oriented. On the other hand, the business development in Spain is focused on profits while Chinese businesses are developed on the basis of trust. Finally, the Spanish managers base their knowledge on business model. However Chinese managers adapt to models.

Question 2: Cultural barriers between China and Spain

The cultural barriers contain those factors that hinder a smooth cultural adaptation or exchange. These are the cultural differences that two different societies have due to their differently perceived cultural background. In this aspect, habits, language, and business protocols are the major cultural barriers. In the comparison ...
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