Evolution Of Media

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Evolution of Media


The global media has transformed the life of people in such a way that every person has become dependent on the internet. It has made each and every individual well informed about the events that are happening at places that are geographically wide apart. This global media has also made the world into a global village in which every person is connected to one another through internet.



Theory of Social Constructivism and Media3


Works Cited5

Evolution of Media


Media is defines as the channels of communication that disseminate entertainment, data, education, news and promotional messages. It consists of all the broadcasting medium such as internet, billboards, telephone, direct mail and fax (www.businessdictionary.com). The media has changed with time because new channels for the dissemination of communication have always been introduced which has always led to the evolution of media. The main changes in media have been highlighted below:

The first cable television came in the 1970s which was followed by the satellite television after a few decades. The main characteristic of this change was that it did not just give more choice to the people, it gave more specific choices.

In the 1980s, the advancement in lithography made the publication of magazines more economical.

The internet was introduced to the public in 1990s. The people have gained access to all types of websites that cater to all kinds of topics. The broadband access has been made to the consumers in the last decade. The people of post-industrial countries have the facility of always-on access of internet. It has changed and reshaped the way public consume information. In this decade, the people are able to access the internet not just through their desktops or laptops but also through their mobile phones and television sets (Crosbie, p. 01).

All these changes have affected the life of people across the globe. Therefore, this research question of this paper will be:

Ho: Has global media i.e. the internet affected the people all around the world?


The advancement of internet has expanded its access into the everyday lives people. Its behavior and social impact has been so strong that even in the developing nations, it has become a necessity. It has improved the communication of the people because they can communicate with neighbors, family and friends. These people also participate in the social groups which help in improving the level of social support to the people and also fulfill their relationships, and their physical and social well being. The positive or negative impact of the internet depends on the quality of the activities that people perform online (Kiesler et al, p. 121).

The evolution of media through internet has also led to more well informed citizens in the world. The introduction of internet has resulted in the formation of new media platform that has changed the way people get information. The professional boundaries and traditional institutions have been changed and the people are not gathering information through this new medium. Internet has also raised the issue of cross-cultural understanding and the values ...
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