Evolution Of Cell Phones

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Evolution of Cell Phones

Evolution of Cell Phones


In the year 1843, Michael Faraday studied to observe whether electricity could be conducted through space. His studies and observations resulted in the development of the cell phones. Doctor Mahlon Loomis, in the year 1865, was the first person to communicate via the wireless atmosphere. He initiated the concept of receiving and transmitting messages by means of the atmosphere as a conductor. Martin Cooper, in the year 1973 brought in Motorola. He took the venture and made the populace of New York see it. The first cell phone was produced in the year 1977 in Chicago. Two thousand people were given a free trial when it came out for the first time.


The first proper mobile phones were produced during the years 1983 to 1994 by Motorola. They were allied to the range known as the Dyna-TAC series that denotes Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage. Motorola, before this, had been manufacturing cell phones for vehicles that were quite bulky and virtually impracticable to power. Martin Cooper along with his team, employed at Motorola, manufactured the first ever mobile phone, DynaTAC8000x, which was adequately small in size to be carried around. The retail price of this phone was $3,995, which was quite high to be paid for a cell phone; however, by the year 1998, when Martin retired, mobile phones along with their accessories comprised two thirds in revenue of Motorola's thirty billion dollars. The DynaTAC 8000 Series comprised a display having red LEDs, the DynaTAC 6000XL employed a Vacuum Fluorescent Display, and DynaTAC International Series used green LEDs. These displays were confined in terms of the information they could display (Gordon & Richard, 2006). The availability of the battery lasted for a call of sixty minutes duration, after which one had to get their battery recharged ...
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