Evolusion Of Penguins

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Evolusion of Penguins


Heredity on the penguin to actively influence displacement of giant icebergs, says a group of geneticists from the United States, New Zealand and Italy. According to them, thanks to the penguins that inhabit the Antarctic Peninsula, have evolved considerably over the past 6000 years. However, there are a lot of scientific articles and even books that detail the lessons learned with respect to the evolution of the penguin. However, scientists have unearthed the bones of prehistoric penguins living in Antarctica around 8000 years ago. The DNA fragments obtained by experts will set the path of evolution of these birds. Moreover, by studying the differences between modern and ancient DNA penguins can set the speed of evolution of penguins, or "molecular clock". This information will allow better understanding of the evolution of these birds and try to find a "common ancestor" of modern birds (Cherel, 254-262).


Penguins are interesting birds, and have a long history of over 36 million years. However, they are believed to be descendants of the first birds that roamed the Earth and over time adapted to their new environment and they should spend more time on the water than on land. Theories about the evolution of the penguins are the result of careful investigation, found the remains tells the story of what happened before the Penguins have the shape we see today (Cherel, 254-262).

The new hypothesis explains the strange genetics bird's odd geography of the Antarctic. It is known that the length of the icebergs, which roam freely in the ocean, can be hundreds of kilometers. Giant blocks of ice are sometimes blocked ocean currents and prevent the return of the penguin home. According to classical ideas about evolution, this would lead to strong intra-specific differences. Experiments geneticists, however, show that the penguins from different places have ...