Evidence-Based Practice Summary

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Evidence-Based Practice Summary

Evidence-Based Practice Summary


The article “Evidence-Based Nursing in Clinical Practice: Implications for Nurse Educators”, has been written by Penz, Kelly L, MN, RN; Bassendowski, Sandra L, PhD, RN. It has been taken from the Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 37. 6 (Nov/Dec 2006): 251-4. The article briefly reflects the implications of the Evidence Based Nursing practices. The key points covered in the article are that the evidence-based practice ideally involves the use of good quality research. Second, in the selection and application of 'best evidence', the practitioner combines critical appraisal skills with their own clinical experience. Third, the recipient of care is best placed to determine the applicability of evidence to their own situation. Fourth, evidence-based practice is affected by the available financial resources (Kelly &Sandra, 2006).


The authors of the article explains that Evidence-based practice (EBP) can be defined as the utilization of finest available scientific research in the concern of patients individually. Major use of EBP is in medicine; and it can be regarded as Evidence-based medicine. EBP is a working method suitable for any caregiver who wants to build up research into care and enhance the improvement in professional practice. Moreover, evidence based practice can be regarded as the best scientific proof to support the clinical decision-making. Evidence Based Practice since its emergence has been playing a key role in the formulation of augmented practical theories. It has evolved the overall scenario of practical research specifically in certain field of studies where it had become essential to conduct an Evidence Based Practice. For instance in the medicines it was quite necessary to adopt such an approach as it involved certain elements of risk. Providing a valid evidence for a medicine related practice enhances its validity. With the passage of time, various other fields of studies needed ...
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