Evidence-Based Quality Improvement For Older Adults

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Evidence-Based Quality Improvement for Older Adults

Evidence-Based Quality Improvement for Older Adults


Evidence based quality improvements for elder people are essential because they need a special care from their caregivers or nurses. Effective and efficient performance improvement and quality assurance is essential for attaining the national goals and objectives in order to enhance health for populations and enhance care for individuals. These improvements are necessary for minimizing per capita costs in delivery system of health care. Tools of QAPI provide an opportunity in accomplishing these national objectives of providing effective health care services to the providers of health care. There is a great significance of providing proper and easy access to health care as well as effective care to the patients. The QAPI is a blend of two improvement techniques. These two improvement techniques are performance improvement and quality assurance. This paper will discuss about the challenges and need of quality care for elder people. Moreover, the paper will also focus on the solutions and barriers which come up in quality improvement initiatives and programs for elder people.

Literature Review

Age-Related Challenges in Providing Quality Care

According to Cooke et al. (2012), increasing number of elder population is attending urgent care services and accessing emergency departments. Thus, there is a great significance of high quality care for older population. Proper access to health care and improvement in care's quality is significant for elder population. Elder population needs to be provided with high quality care by their caregivers or health care providers. According to the Cooke et al., the increment in the number of elder population has been well practiced and their social and health care needs are well recognized. As most of the professionals of social and health care come into contact with their elder population in various settings; thus, there is a great significance ...
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