Evidence Based Practice In Nursing

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Evidence Based Practice in Nursing



Evidence-based approach2

Evidence Based approach in Nursing2

Strategies to implement evidence based practice in Nursing2

Role definition3

Resources usage3

The mentorship3

Time and Money4

The EBP Rounds4

EBP on educational institutional level5

Critically Appraised Topics in the Clinical Settings5

Educational prescriptions5

The Barriers for nurses in implementing EBP in the Clinical Settings5

Overcoming the barriers6


Access to information sources6

Leaders and Mentor7

Overcoming Environmental barrier7

Summarizing EBP in Nursing7

Part 28


Table 1: Clinical question and keywords Question8



Vaccination and immunoglobulins9

Breast feeding9

Comparison intervention10


Outcomes of intervention10

Outcomes of comparison intervention10


Evidence Based Practice in Nursing


Evidence based research means utilizing the best and evidence based approach in practice. It is the current need of the health care system. The clinicians should stay in touch with the current clinical research. This helps them to stay up to date, make quality clinical care decisions and desired patient outcomes.

As nurses are the first line of defense, it is important that these nurses should be properly trained and uses legitimate research in practice. The health of the patient majorly depends on the quality of care given by a nurse. Evidence based practice provides the nurses with opportunities to make the nursing care more individualized, effective and modernized. This practice will help the nurses to understand the technological use of literature and develop knowledge.


In order to understand the evidence based approach, it is important to understand what evidence is. Evidence is the practiced is the pre tested implied and qualified set of data that can be used to benefit in the future studies and practices. The EBP is not a fresh terminology. However, it is widely developing and being implemented in the health and social care (Cluett, 2006). An evidence based approach in the nursing profession holds crucial importance in order to improve the quality of the overall health care system

Evidence-based approach

An evidence based approach, as defined by the International council of nursing in 2012, is the problem correcting approach in making the clinical decisions. This result is acquiring the best and the latest evidence, clinical expertise and preferences of the patient and his values.

Evidence Based approach in Nursing

The evidence based approach in medicine refers to the advent of decisions made, based on a research that is authentic and in the benefit of the patients. In nursing practice, the evidence based approach is the practice by which nurses uses the best available research evidences to make clinical decisions. These evidences are based on the clinical expertise and the patient preferences. EBP helps in the formation of correct enhanced decisions in clinical care (Hoffman, Bennett, Mar, 2010). The reason behind the evidence based practice is to make the proper clinical decisions by taking the researches as an evidence for practice (Hoffmann, Bennett, et.al, 2009). These researches can include the researches by the health care professionals, the clinical professors, pharmaceutical companies, experience of patients and the clinical audit data.

As described by Sackett, evidence based learning is the vigilant, open and judicious use of the current best studies and evidences, incorporated in the care plan of an individual (Beyea, Slattery, ...
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