Evidence Based Practice

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Evidence Based Practice

Introduction to Module and Assessment1


Evidence based practice1

Implications of EBP in Health Care2

Evaluation of patient reactions to interventions3

Quantitative research4

Qualitative Research5

Issues in Research5

Critical Appraisal5

Article and Critical Appraisal6


Overview of the Main Article7

Critical evaluation using CASP7

Clarity of the focus7



Studies Method Preferred9

Understanding of Different Methods and Trails9

THE PICOT format9

MERIT trial10

Analysis of the Information10

Barriers in the Evidence Based Practice10

Overloaded Information11

Misunderstanding the Evidence Based Practice11

Cultures within an Organization11

Contradictory information and poor research methods12

Authenticity and age of the evidence12

Improving the evidence based program implementation and overcoming the barriers12



Introduction to Module and Assessment

Evidence based practice refers to the type of practice that is based on the preset standards and experimental results established as evidences of the researchers. These evidences help the professionals to practice without error. The evidence based practice is important in terms of promoting the health care and providing the patients or the service users with the best available services as proved by the evidences. It is one of the most highly promoted practices in the health and social care settings. The document deals with the descriptive study of the evidence based practice, it implementation in the health and social care system and critical appraisal analysis of an article on the evidence based practice. The approach is not new to the world yet has never been practised much than today.


Evidence based practice

The evidence based practice refers to the type of practice that incorporates the integrated experimental results of many professional researchers. This practice is a procedure in which the practitioner gathers the information that is available, and is practiced by the researchers and practitioners in the past as an effective practice. The most primitive definition of the evidence based practice was given as the meticulous, painstaking, unambiguous and legal use of present most excellent evidence in constructing decisions (Sackett et al, 1996, p.71)

The term evidence based practice originated from evidence based medicine. But with the advancements and growth in diversity of fields, the term evidence based practice has been gaining a lot of popularity. The main reason behind this increased demand is that the evidence based practice ensures safe and effective working of the individual, with maximum chances of positive results. Now the practice has gained popularity in a lot of fields, including the field of social and health care as the most important elements.

The most debatable issue with the evidence based practice is the evidence and its reliability. The relevance of the evidence is usually depends on the date of issue and the year in which the evidence was collected. The evidence selected must be up to date because it will affect the final findings.

Many practitioners argue that the age of the evidence and either it is still reliable to be used in practice or not. However, it is important to note here, that this evidence is reviewed over a period of time, and alterations are made where necessary. The libraries play an effective role in the spread of evidence. This evidence is present in the form of literature reviews, research ...
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