Evidence Based Practice

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Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice


This paper intends to identify my practice interests and needs in relation with the nursing responsibilities. Further, the analysis of my colleagues will be provided in relation to their assumption of the viability of the research topic. The most important thing I believe I would like to know more about in my practice is the 'harm or injuries that are caused by various nursing practices to the patients.' I believe that treatment harms must be prevented. There are various reasons which can create harms to patients with the treatment practices. Nurses possess the basic responsibility of providing quality care to patients. However, the working environment, personal characteristics and several external factors sometimes hinder the provision of quality health care (Patricia et.al. 2002 pp.509-523).


The working environment for the nurses must be such that promotes the quality care and also ensures the safety of the patients. However, there are instances when certain factors which hinder the quality care provision to the patients. My interest of research relates to such factors which can create potential harm to the patients. Nurses are assumed to be one of the largest workforces within the field of healthcare. Nurses must be able to utilize evidence based practice along with their knowledge, experience and skills (Hussein, 2010 Pp. 1-25).

The demands of patients' care are usually catered by the effectiveness of the nursing force. I believe that nurses must depict such a behavior that can never create any harm or injury to even a single patient under their care. The nurses are required to follow the standards of care. However, there are times when the care falls short of patients. These factors might be related to the working environment like workforce shortage, peer pressure or lack of needed medical equipment. Also, factors can be related to personal characteristics of the nurses. Sometimes, nurses are not able to assess the actual requirements of the patients which eventually end up creating issues for the patients. Moreover, several external factors can also hinder the provision of quality care like some sort of stress or tensions nurses are going through (Karen & Sharyn, 2009 Pp. 975-980).

Research Questions

The questions I would like to base my research on will include two qualitative and two quantitative questions. The two qualitative questions that I would like to research would be;

Which is the most important factor (environmental, personal or external) that can contribute towards causing harm to the patients through ineffective quality care provision?

How do nurses feel when they realize that they have caused harm to the patients intentionally or unintentionally?

Apart from the above qualitative questions which will help me base my research on the potential factors that cause harm to the patients and the feeling of realization of the harm caused by the nurses, I will also include quantitative questions in my research in order to make it more reliable and valid. The quantitative questions that I will include would be;

What is the relationship between the treatments of the patients and personal ...
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