Evidence-Based Intervention

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Evidence-based Intervention

Evidence-based Intervention


The evidence based healthcare platforms are engaged in providing the diagnosis and intervention services to the clients in order to cure them of diseases and help in quick recovery. The concept of intervention refers to the engagement that health care workers or an agency maintain with the client or patient. Intervention process may be voluntary in nature allowing the clients o agree to or seek for the intervention; or it may be statutory or involuntary in which there is no client involvement and the workers are required to intervene through the legal procedures. The major reason for the provision of intervention is to serve the patients or client with the quick and immediate support that will centre on the de-escalation of the emotional support and problem. This type of intervention generally relates to providing the emergency accommodation, financial aid, and appointments for the legal or medical aid (Alzheimer's Society, 2013).

The personal acre and optimal health needs such methods that are universally acknowledged for the purpose of identifying and addressing the complicated issues related to health. It refers to gathering the appropriate information that enable the healthcare people to determine relevant conslusions regarding the starengths, risks, deficits and problems of an individual. They look for the symptoms and sings, differetiate between the noraml and real variation.


The purpose of this essay is to identify the relevant key skills that have been used throughout my eight week learning disability community placement. These skills will be explained and analyzed in terms of evidence based practice (EBP). A rationale will be given for these chosen skills which will underpin an appropriate therapeutic intervention for a particular patient group. Through a case study this essay will show development, implementation and evaluation of these skills in relation to client care. The case study will involve cognitive and intellectual skills gained through my second year modules linking in several competencies. Informed consent was gained in compliance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, code of conduct, (2008). Relating to client confidentiality, pseudonyms will be used to ensure confidentially as stated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC; 2008). The names and locations of people involved have been changed in order to protect the right of confidentiality. For the purpose of this essay the client will be called 'Sally', a name chosen at random and having no significance to either the client or author. The assessment and care planning process will be looked at in great detail, including the assessment tools that were used, while still recognizing the socio-cultural aspects of care. A discussion of how the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) works together with the patient to provide the care will also be looked at.

Case Study

Sally is a sixty years old lady, who has diagnoses of Mild Learning Disabilities, Parkinson's and Dementia. She currently lives in a residential home where she is fully supported, receiving care twenty four hours per day. Initially, Sally moved into this area to be closer to her ...
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