Everyone Knows When A Relation Is Over, But No One Looks Forward To Breaking Up…

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Everyone knows when a relation is over, but no one looks forward to breaking up…

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Breaking Up


Everyone knows when a relation is over, but no one looks forward to breaking up. This statement highlights a great deal of discussion on different topics, topics that are related to emotions, feelings and human involvement in relationships. Not only that, but the impacts that broken relationships have on an individual's personality, attitudes and behaviors. The term breaking up refers to the idea of discontinuing a relationship. If we consider the above statement, it implies that people involved in a relationship knows when they are about to end their relationship but nobody wants to takes the initiative to breakup. This attitude may be backed with the essence of hope or fear of anguish that a person suffers after breaking up. In this paper I will be discussing the phases of breaking up a relationship along with its impacts and strategies that a person could adopt for an easiest and painless way to end a relationship.


Relationship is an exquisite bond between two or more people. There may be several reasons behind a relationship like natural bonds, affiliation, social or professional circle or affection. When we discuss a breakup it is normally considered between two persons involved in a romantic relationship. Romantic relationship between two individuals is commonly established on the basis of natural affection for opposite sexes; however, this is not the only reason of a romantic relationship. People associated with each other for a common purpose may also establish fondness of each other out of respect, admiration, love and understanding. If we consider the breaking up process it involves there phases (conflict, realization and breakup) that an individual go through.

Conflict is the lack of understanding between the two persons in a relationship. This phase in a relationship involves arguments and quarrels about almost anything. When people are unable to reach solutions to a problem and this results in high level of conflict of opinion the process of breakup starts. Conflict means the acknowledgement of inherent differences between the people involved in a relationship which results in argument, oppression and quarrels.

Realization is the acknowledgement of differences between the two personalities. This realization is not necessarily comprehended by both persons in a relationship; it could be any one of the two who believes that there is sufficient difference between him/ her and his/ her ...