Every Child Matters

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Every Child Matters

Every Child Matter


Teachers aspire to be recognised as being true professionals, however in social grouping teaching does not command the same prestige as other professions, such as medicine and law. In order to teach science at secondary school level a teacher has to gain not only a relevant first class degree but also undergo formal professional teacher training, in total this may take up to 6 years to accomplish. Although similar to the length of time a doctor is in training, the salary of a teacher does not reflect this and thus many have suggested that teachers are therefore not true professionals. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines a profession as “a vocation or calling, especially one that involves some branch of advanced learning or science” In this context we can assume that teaching is a profession.

Teaching is measured by the outcomes achieved by the students and thus the teacher is scored on a performance management scale. However other professions are not measured by outcome alone, a doctor for example would not be expected to save the lives of every single patient he treated, nor would he be pigeonholed as 'underperforming'. Striving to do what is best for students both individually and as a class is inextricably linked to teacher professionalism. Whereas this is not the case for many lawyers, they may defend a rapist, fully aware of the crime that he has committed, and yet plead his innocence because they are paid to do so. Although highly debated as to whether teaching should be considered worthy of being labelled as a profession, teachers use standards to review their professional practice and continuing professional development, a signature of a true professional. There are several general professional tasks that a trainee teacher undertakes when on placement during the ITT. Every Child Matters and transition and progress through key stages are discussed in my personal placement.

Every Child Matters

The Every Child Matters agenda was proposed by the government after Lord Laming's enquiry into the tragic death of Victoria Climbié. The ECM green paper was aimed to address the issues of child safety and the integration of services (DfES, 2004). The paper identified five outcomes central to the 'wrap around' care of children and young people, these are:

Be healthy

Stay safe

Enjoy and achieve

Make a positive contribution

Achieve economic and social well-being

Co-ordination and communication is fundamental to the success of the 'wrap around' care provided by the organisations included. One of the main reasons for the continuing abuse of Victoria Climbié was the lack of communication between the healthcare services, social services, the police and schools, who were involved but assumed that this poor girl was being cared for by one of the other services. Education is now used as the hub to facilitate and co-ordinate care.

Since 2005 schools and social services have worked together to ensure that a wide range of services are accessible to children and ...
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