Events Leading Up To The 9/11 Attacks

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Events Leading Up To the 9/11 Attacks


The attacks of September 11, 2001 are four suicide bombings perpetrated on the same day the United States by members of the network jihadist Islamist Al-Qaeda, for buildings doing symbolic and nearly three thousand victims. The events of September 11 have been experienced in almost real time by hundreds of millions of viewers around the world and caused a considerable psychological impact, the images of the plane hitting the second tower of the World Trade Center and those of complete collapse within seconds of the two WTC towers of Manhattan was broadcast live. The Government of the United States and that of many other countries have responded by strengthening existing legislation against terrorism (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 27).

Thesis statement: The events of 9/11 in the United States have resulted in several significant changes in our nation. America mentioned the terrorism as the most destructive factor for every country, which make the all trouble and the problem not only in the way of the success but also in the peace and harmony of the world.

Y2K problem

The year 2000 problem, also known as Year 2000, millennium bug, computer problem in 2000 Y2K is a bug or software bug caused by the custom that had adopted programmers omit the century in the year for storing dates (usually to save memory), assuming that the software would only work over the years whose names begin with 19. This would mean that after December 31st of 1999, would be January 1 of 1900 instead of January 1st of 2000. Potential effects that this bug would cause:

The programs that count the number of years through the subtraction of the dates, number of years would get a negative. For example, if a person was born in 1977, the age of this person in 2000 would be: 00-77 = -77 years.

Presidential controversy in 2000

This election was particularly marked by the post-election woes of the two main candidates, Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush, who had to wait for the results of the State of Florida, determining the final result, for over a month. Bush won Florida with 537 votes. These results were challenged by the Democratic nominee to the Supreme Court of Florida and before the Supreme Court of the United States (Hoffman, 309).

It was in Florida that was played ultimately the result of the national election. Some Democrats, convinced ...