Evaluation Report

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An Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Role within Acute Inpatient Team in National Health Service (NHS)


This report evaluates occupational therapy services in a NHS mental health setting and on in-patients aged 18 to 65 years. Specifically, it considers the challenges faced by occupational therapists in these settings and with this client group to provide an enabling environment that facilitate social inclusion, participation and improved health. The roles of occupational therapy is considered in terms of societal change, legislation, organizational structure, clinical guidance and policy and also examining how this impact on patients' care. The paper also discusses the Mental Health Act 2005 and the concept of social inclusion. It further discusses the role of occupational therapists in treating the people with mental disabilities and in also making them a responsible part of the society. The impact of society is also mentioned as to what impact these people will have on the society after they are cured.

An Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Role within Acute Inpatient Team in National Health Service (NHS)


The quality of the healthcare provided to the patients can be improved by improving the quality of the caregivers who are dealing with the patients suffering from mental disorders. The choice of non-drug treatments can help people with mental disorder to cope with the vagaries of daily life reducing, at the same time, the pressure on their caregivers. In a recent study, researchers show that occupational therapy can be an effective treatment against mental disorder. Occupational Therapist intervention in patients with mental disorder revolves around a fundamental goal, maintain and maximize functional independence in performing daily activities and performance of their roles. The objective of this paper is to understand the basic concept of Occupational Therapy for the treatment of patents with mental disorder.

Occupational therapists, sometimes referred to as simply OTs, focus on evaluating and improving their clients' functional abilities. Although they do not directly treat a client's disease, injury, or condition, occupational therapists help their clients optimize their independence and ability to accomplish their daily activities, from using a computer to caring for daily needs such as dressing, cooking, and eating. They also may design or build customized equipment for their clients to help them improve their communication and better control their environment at home or work.


Occupational therapy is a profession which focused on developing and maintaining the behaviour of the people. Moreover, it contributes towards the improvement of health and quality of life. It is important to consider the focus of occupational therapy in the individual and occupational participation. The OT works with the individual bearing in mind how health conditions, environmental conditions and personal characteristics influence their performance.

The occupational therapist is essential in the treatment of numerous pathologies rehabilitation or health conditions, such as stroke, hemiplegia, degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, head injuries and traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy children, mental retardation and learning disorders; spinal cord injuries, amputations, orthopedic injuries and burns, rheumatic disorders, blindness, psychiatric disorders, drug abuse in people with kidney failure, ...
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