Evaluation Of Theory X And Theory Y In Criminal Justice Organization

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Evaluation of Theory X and Theory Y in Criminal Justice Organization



McGregor Theories3

Applications of Theory X and Theory y in Criminal Justice Organization5

Implications of McGregor Theories in the current scenario5

How could the McGregor Theories benefit criminal justice personnel and organizations?6



Evaluation of Theory X and Theory Y in Criminal Justice organization


Motivational theories developed by McGregor are used in the criminal justice organization as an individual development tool. Criminal justice organizations are relatively new concept in the area of correction and are facing constant scrutiny from social scientists and law makers. In these organizations, main focus is given to see and treat offenders as humans instead of social liabilities. In criminal justice leadership and motivational actions play a very significant role for the rehabilitation of offenders. Criminal justice organizations are very much dependent upon the theories of human development because of the nature of work associated with these organizations. It is the responsibility of the justice providers to involve the offenders in some constructive and healthy activity by hooks or crooks.


McGregor Theories

Contribution made by late Douglas McGregor is the logical starting point to discuss a relationship between the criminal justice organization and Personal development theories. He proposed two basic theories on man in relation to work known as Theory X, and theory Y. Theory X is considered as conventional personal management theory which states

Peoples are not motivated towards work until and unless they are not being punished or controlled by an autocratic supervision.

Naturally man dislikes work; this state of disliking is inherent and will try to stay away from work whenever possible

Because of this disliking, man should be threatened and punished in order to get work from him for organization.

Humans prefer to get direction, avoid work, avoid responsibility, and possess low aspirations and top of all like to seek protection and security.

There is only one way to make people work and that the punishment system.

The stated assumptions regarding theory X are showing a resemblance to the analogy of Adam, which states God, created Adam as the first human on earth with a meager mental approach or mind and also created a tree of knowledge at the same time. When our forefather Adam ate an apple from that prohibited tree he became capable to observe what was happening around him. Due to this disobedience of Adam, God expelled him from heaven and made him work to live alive. Therefore, work was seen in comparison to punishment and this comparison can also be observed in the current scenario (Ideus, 1978).

Theory Y is considered as motivational theory, and it also advocates the benefits and effectiveness of soft type of management controls. Theory Y states

Employees are naturally motivated, and self ambitious, they like to work more if awarded with justified rewards

Individuals focus on self control and self direction in order to meet the goals which are assigned to them

The commitment of employees towards the fulfillment of goals is based on the rewards associated with it

Most of the employees are ...