Evaluation Of Different Point Of Views

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Evaluation of different point of views

Evaluation of different point of views


This paper focuses on the evaluation of the many points of views given by scholars regarding the challenges of talent management. It discusses the disparities that exist between the views given by Kontoghiorghes, Capelli and Frangou; and Cameron. The former have laid stress on the retention of those employees while the later have focused on the students. The paper also assesses how a leader makes use of accountability and responsibility for managing talent.

Point of views in the articles

Article 1: The Association between Talent Retention, Antecedent Factors, and Consequent Organizational Performance

In this study, the authors have argued that very little attention has been paid to the employee turnover and stress that more need to be made in regard to retaining the talented employees. In their survey regarding the employees of a particular business organization for finding the fundamental factors that predict the retention of talented employees, it was revealed that employee turnover is directly related to several other factors other than the usual ones. In addition to this, it was found that the retention of talent was greatly associated with the quality of performance besides other factors, (Kontoghiorghes, et al., 2009).

The findings of their study strongly suggest that the conventional determinants that relate to the employee turnover, such as; job satisfaction and employee commitment don't predict the employee turnover as strongly as the culture of the organization that is driven by change, effective recruitment and selection of talent, effective supervision and fast operations. The significance considering the ability retention procedures and practices is demonstrated through the findings. The authors also suggest that more research needs to be done in this respect. The authors also held the opinion that for all those organizations that focused on performing well, retention ...
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