Evaluation Of A Supervisor

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Evaluation Of A Supervisor

Evaluation Of A Supervisor


Supervisors are people who oversee their subordinates. Our supervisor has working anniversary tomorrow and we have evaluated his performance under certain grades.



He also has qualities of a strongman leadership style due to which he often does not consult to the staff and organization before making any decision and expect them to obey without any objection. These people are considered to self centered as they think themselves the most informative and skilled persons and they often punish their subordinates through different means (Armstrong and Stephen, 2005). He is more inclined to take up an impersonal or impassive attitude towards the set goals. His goals emerge out of requirement and needs rather than desires. That is the reason that his attitudes towards goals are genuinely rooted in the culture and history of the organization.

Our supervisor is more interested in developing the leadership traits in other individuals. By performing this act, the leaders having empowering style develops trust between him and the followers for decision making process. Leading work force is a complicated task because every individual worker has own working skills and technique. In order to lead them together, a supervisor must also has authoritative leading style (Manion, 2011). Although our leader believes in transformational and transactional kind of leading but he also believes in becoming strict towards workers when they do not adhere the policies of organization. He also believes in maintaining relationship with his subordinates. For this, he rewards them for their hard work along with organizational level appreciation.

Interpersonal skills

He plays the role of a spokesperson and communicates the organizational policies and its goals to the outside world. He collects internal and external relevant information for organization and its operations and provides the collected information to the subordinates that are factual and value based. The supervisor is very efficient in identifying problems and finding solutions for them. He believes in team work and that is why also appreciates innovative idea coming from individuals. In order to make his team more efficient, he facilitates them with different resources and also believes in rewarding the creative workers.

Strategic thinking is another interpersonal skill of our supervisor (Forssell, 2008). He is efficient in planning, producing reports and corresponding with other departments of the organization. He has great knowledge of management skills, laws, regulations and procedures to conduct managerial work in a suitable and legal ...
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