Evaluation Methods For Health Care Educators

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Evaluation Methods for Health Care Educators

Evaluation Methods for Health Care Educators


This paper focuses on the evaluation methods for healthcare educators. Throughout this paper ethical and legal implication has been highlighted considering the students which have been assigned different wards and looking after patients. Medical facility students and managers have a lot of opportunities for unethical behavior. It may take a bribe, maybe for money and other benefits to favor some suppliers and contractors at the expense of others, providing better and cheaper products may unfairly manage staff, enter into suspicious cliques, and use unfair competition. It could be so long, that in the "business" of health opportunities for unethical practices are more than in other industries.


Feedback for the Students

From the analysis of the assessment and the performance of the students in their assigned units, moreover from the recovery of the patients, the following students are therefore qualify for the completion of semester in Nursing Therapeutics, Pharmacology, Care of the Adult and Older Adult.

Abby Adams

Cindy Crane

Daniel Douglas

Eileen Evers

Fran Fox

Holly Herman

Ethical and Legal Implications

From the eight students Abby Adams, Barbara Brown and Cindy Crane were working in the ward 2 South and were looking after post-operative patient, post-op abdominal aortic aneurism and post transurethral resection and prostatectomy respectively. Ethical and legal implications involve such practices which are socially and morally acceptable in the field of nursing. Ethical issues are involved in the decision making and by training them to analyze the various components of ethical problem. Among all the students some of the students AA, CC, FF& HH has been observed quite confident with their work but after an overview of student's assessment it has also been observed that some of the students are required to learn to refer to legal landmarks, ethical, charters and recommendations, ...
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