Evaluation Essay: Frankenstein

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Evaluation Essay: Frankenstein


Thomas Vargish has written a critical essay on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which evaluates the various aspects of this novel (Vargish, p. 322, 2009). The main theme of this essay is to evaluate the description of technology and impotence in context of Mary Shelley's novel (Shelley, 1818). The author described the fact that how the technological inventions which were originally been designed for the purpose of serving mankind, ultimately result in the destruction of humanity. I believe that the author of article has researched and analyzed the novel well enough, as it has been published in an international journal. Most of the points presented in the article are similar to my criticism.


The thesis of the article I've chosen is a question that whether the technology and freedom to use technology is creating adverse effects on the humanity and the world. The article is written by Thomas Vargish and has been published in International Journal of Humanities. The author posed the question about technology use on the novel Frankenstein, because the novel focused on the use of technology for fulfilling the desire of a scientist. It was the urge to become an excellent scientist that led him to events which ended in the ultimate destruction by the hands of monster. I agree with the thesis because as we consider parents responsible for the good and ad deeds of their children, in the same way I consider Frankenstein responsible for the disaster created by his child, the monster. Frankenstein never analyzed or thought of the consequences of his creation. He resembled the mother who gives birth to a child, but then rejects it due to its ugliness (Johnson, 1996). The most dangerous point of the Frankenstein's creation was its immortality; the scientist would have to think about the consequences of such ...