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Three articles were studied to evaluate the different processes of fulfilling the demands through different methods. These articles include:

Predictors of job satisfaction among selected agriculture faculty.

Student evaluation scores for courses delivered by interactive videoconferencing.

Examining IPod use by Texas agricultural science and technology teachers.

These articles were discussed to examine the methods that were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the processes involved according to the set standards. The factors through which the effectiveness of the techniques will be evaluated are discussed as follows.

Research Design

The research designs that were used in the three articles were appropriate enough to address the problems that were identified before the research was conducted. The research designs that were used in the three articles were sufficient to address the problems identified at the beginning of the research. The research designs made were relevant because it has the ability to identify the problem that gave rise to research, the method of collecting data and analyzing data to generate desired outcomes.

In addition to the relevance of research design, the research designs prepared were also quoted. This means that the research designs were related to appropriate theories to connect the essence of the subjects with the need of conducting the research.


The target population was identified in all the articles. It was aimed to demonstrate the teachings of the three subjects to an appropriate population in which the need for training was felt. It is also observed by studying the articles that the population identified at the beginning of the research was same as the population that was made accessible during the research. This made the research effective because the same audiences were accessed as planned before conducting the research. The method through which the required population was accessed included the selection of random samples for conducting the research. The significant ...
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